
If you're a carer who helps and supports someone who can't manage on their own, we want to ensure you get all the support you need.

Corner Place Surgery's carer support worker is Laura Lees. 

At Corner Place Surgery, we are trying to identify as many carers as we can, particularly those people who may be looking after a member of their family or helping a friend or neighbour with day to day tasks and don't really regard themselves as a carer or are undertaking this vital activity without help or support. 

Although extremely valuable and important, caring for someone can mean being in demand round the clock and lead to a feeling of isolation, which is why we want carers to receive all the support and information we can give, on topics such as benefit entitlement, access to respite care or maybe simply to provide a kindly ear when things get too much. 

If you are caring for someone, we really would like you to let us know, so that we can ensure our records are up-to-date and, if you are agreeable, pass your details to our Carer Support Worker. ​ 

Laura can offer you a Carer's health and wellbeing check providing an opportunity to discuss confidentially what support might be appropriate for you, including respite, support groups, emotional support, support for the cared-for. 

If you feel you could benefit from our carer support worker you can self-refer by contacting the main surgery number on 01803 557458

Please note that Laura works on Wednesdays and Fridays, 1pm to 6pm and Thursdays, 8.30am to 1.30pm.

Carers health and well-being check

For access to the Carers health and well-being check and other useful information on Torbay website, follow the link below.